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Prediction: possible seven progresses of medical field in 2011

news  2/12/2011

The scientific and medical breakthroughs were emerged in endlessly in 2010. The doctors from Germany announced that an AIDS patient was cured; a new anticancer drug PLX4032 developed by Plexxikon has outstanding effectiveness in the clinical trial of melanoma treatment. In addition, scientists produced artificial cell for the first time. So which major medical progress will be appeared in 2011? The website of Interesting Science in United States reported the seven predictions raised by medical experts. If these breakthroughs come true, they may let us have a more healthy and happy life.
Scientists will announce the research results on HIV vaccine
Freezing method lets the patients with atrial fibrillation reap the benefits.
More people can accept SAGB
Campus action will reduce the obesity rate of younger generation
The new menu will contribute to reduce the daily ingestion of total calories